We are one of the 21 schools that chose to participate in the Fall 2022 SchoolPool Campaign! We will celebrate Walk & Roll to School Day (October 12), and we encourage families and students to walk and roll during Walk & Roll to School Week (October 10-13). If you live too far to walk to school, you may consider parking in the school vicinity and walk the rest of the route, or carpooling.

Bellevue SchoolPool is a program that encourages families and students to explore sustainable transportation options for their commute to and from school and alleviate congestion at drop-off and pick-up times and locations.

The Bellevue SchoolPool team will provide student incentives in the form of branded promotional materials, and flyer/safety tip handouts. Our school will receive $1,000 direct monetary incentives.

For maps of pedestrian and bicycle facilities in our schools attendance area, and information about the school speed zones, visit the Routes to School web map. Click on our school to find a printable map for your route. If you would like to sign up for the quarterly editions of the SchoolPool newsletter, click here.


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